Saturday, January 29, 2011

Spring, Where are you?

 Days ago when the snow began to fall, I found myself overly excited with anticipation. Very few times a year do we get more then an inch or 2 of snow. So imagine my amazement when we reached 4 inches, then 6, then 8. My excitement was short lived as day in, day out all we've seen is white white white. I don't think I realized how dull white is. It's extremly depressing.My poor wishing well agrees.

My rose bush seconds that notion...

This seemed to lift my spirits some. Odds and ends I've been gathering for My Lovely, that Gem of mine.Pinks, purples,blues, reds. Made me think of Spring being right around the corner. Bringing with it my gardens and all the colors they have to offer.

Makes my fingers itch to rip open this basket full of sunshine. Crochet a lovely ripple, or perhaps a bag...I'm sure by the time the snow melts I could have made both.
But, that won't do. No, not at all.
I need to finish the blanket  I've already started and save this for the person its intended for.

It's a nice reminder that this can't last, Spring will come eventually, I just hope I don't go crazy till then.
Hope you all are warm and seeing better views out your kitchen window then mine.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chicago Bears Blanket

Happy Monday!

I know Chicago Bears lost yesterday and the Cutler drama continues, but I wanted to share with you the blanket I made a few years ago. It started out being made for my husband but when my son saw it and thought it was for him I couldn't dare break his heart, what kind of mother would I be! The pillow was just made this last Christmas from a remnant I had bought forever ago, not realizing how small it was. Living in Pennsylvania we don't have a lot of Chicago material available so I just jumped at the chance not paying attention to size!
I think the letter in the middle is a little cheesy, but whats done is done, right! It's just your standard granny, no frills. The kind of blanket you can watch TV with and not have to pay attention to what your hands are doing, Oh...I so love those types of projects!

I also wanted to take a moment to thanks Ms. Amanda Challenges for all of her help, kindness, and patience. She truly is a gem, one that I treasure. So Amanda, my lovely... THANK YOU!!
And thank you all for your kind and encouraging comments. I so appreciate them.
Take care all...
Nicole xoxo

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hi there. I know I'm a little late to the party, ok ok ...I'm VERY late but like they say, better late then never, right?!? Even if I'm the only one to read it, at least I can say I've finally done it.

 I hope my son doesn't seem slighted because of the name I've chosen but after thinking long and hard it just seemed to fit. So much of my life has come down to just that. The biggest example of that is my husband, Jeremy. Who hands down runs a close race for husband of a lifetime. To think.. had he not failed the second grade he would have been a year ahead of me in school. Or had I changed my high school schedule like I should have we would have never shared that first class together. He would have never had the opportunity to write those cute little remarks on my school papers. To think that so much ripples out from there. Had the above stated things not happened the two loves of my life would not be here...our children Des and Hoss. Des as in Destiny...kind of fitting, don't you think.

Please don't be put off by my sappy show of affection for the people in my life, I just thought it best to explain why I picked Must Be Destiny..... I hope to fill this with writings of crochet projects, sewing projects, and any other thing crafty that comes along, The silly day to day stuff that might seem mundane to some but so special to me. But who knows really, after all, this is my first. But I guess we shall see....